Since Trump took office in the US, the immigrant debacle has transcended from precariousness into a complete tragedy. Recently, Trump and his administration released what is called a “zero tolerance” policy towards immigrant children residing in the US illegally. Prosecution was declared for all such individuals crossing the border.
As a result of this policy, families are being separated at the border creating suffering like none other.
The immigration surge met a new high during Obama’s reign but has not been tapped into since 2014. However, Trump has kept the matter of immigrants under the radar since even before his presidency. As a result, adults, mainly from Mexico and Guatemala crossing the border are being torn away from their kids. Innumerable numbers of immigrant children are being detained into camps for minors as parents are being taken into custody. A civil rights attorney from Texas, Jennifer Harbury released an audio recording that has left the world shook. The recording voices children urging to be reunited with their parents.
A child is heard crying out “Papi, papi.” A female toddler is heard sobbing asking to be reunited with her aunt and volunteering her number just to be able to call her.
To make matters worse, the humanity of those orchestrating this have irked the citizens of the US and across. A patrol officer is heard joking about the wailing children calling their cries an “orchestra.”
If your heart can take it, here is the video: The claims being made by children who are unable to fathom why they are being separated, is nothing short than heartbreaking. Though children are being separated at the border; the ones residing in the US for years are also unsafe.
Fathers have been arrested from their place of residence, leaving the children clueless, alone and scared.

This has spurred an online debate amongst people.
Several can be seen questioning why these concerns weren’t raised during Obama’s tenure. However, a majority is still baffled at the audacity with which children are being punished for no apparent fault of their own. People have taken to social media to express their anger and hate towards Trump’s falsified sense of power and success.
“And who’s gonna pay for the wall?!!” “Not Mexico!!” Who’d have thought @POTUS would end up holding terrified, sobbing immigrant toddlers and children hostage to force Democrats to have you and I pay for it.#FamilySeparation — Andy Ostroy (@AndyOstroy) June 19, 2018
My 10 year old lost a tooth tonight. This was her wish. She has more compassion and heart than a feckless monster that sits in the White House. Maybe Congress can grant her that wish. #KeepFamilesTogether #familyseparation — Robin Reck (@RBRobin) June 19, 2018
Asking again because it’s so troubling: What kind of upbringing leads you to chooose to treat children with such utter disregard? We must all do what we can to stand up to this inhumanity #FamilySeparation — Xavier Becerra (@AGBecerra) June 18, 2018
This is searing.#FamilySeparation “One woman worried about her child’s health, because no one collected information about her child’s medical condition when they were separated. Another had been told that her child would be put up for adoption.” — Victoria Brownworth (@VABVOX) June 19, 2018
The UN Human Rights Council is rightly condemning the Trump Administration for “government-sanctioned child abuse.” President Trump, end your barbaric #FamilySeparation policy. Stop stealing innocent children from their parents. #FamiliesBelongTogether FMBACbX4S — Rep. Barbara Lee (@RepBarbaraLee) June 18, 2018
RT if you agree: Using children as bargaining chips to get funding to build a wall along the border is unconscionable and inhumane! #FamiliesBelongTogether #FamilySeparation — Rep Frederica Wilson (@RepWilson) June 18, 2018
#HillaryClinton said #FamilySeparation at the border is a “moral and humanitarian crisis,” and that “every human being with a sense of compassion and decency should be outraged,” during a speech at a women’s forum award ceremony — Victoria Brownworth (@VABVOX) June 19, 2018
Today at the border it was clear Trump’s NEW #FamilySeparation policy was cultivating an atmosphere of confusion for all officials we met. No straight answers. No idea how to handle asylum seekers. It’s a mess! It’s #FakeNews @WhiteHouse can’t end this. They just don’t want to. — Rep. Jimmy Gomez (@RepJimmyGomez) June 19, 2018
I’ve received 102 calls and emails so far about President Trump’s zero-tolerance child separation policy. 100% of my constituents are against the Trump Administration’s cruel #FamilySeparation policies.@RealDonaldTrump: you can end this un-American policy with a phone call. — Rep. Dan Kildee (@RepDanKildee) June 18, 2018
The audio is heartbreaking and truly makes one wonder how humanity has stooped so low that the heart wrenching yelps of helpless children has become a country’s policy. This is especially true considering the recording played in the White House as the administrators waited for a press briefing to begin. Several representatives of the White House and of Homeland Security denied even having heard it. The Homeland Security officer, Kirstjen Nielsen, went on to justify and support Trump’s policy stating he “did not create a policy of separating immigrant families at the border.” Nielsen went so far as to draw a stark comparison between confined and incarcerated individuals to families being separated at the border.
DHS secretary #KirstjenNielsen says #FamilySeparation isn’t child abuse because the children have access to TVs. Which makes me hope she doesn’t have kids. — Victoria Brownworth (@VABVOX) June 19, 2018