Fakhr e Alam’s Mission Parwaz Successful

Fakhr e Alam finally completed his “Mission Parwaz” and become the first Pakistani to circumnavigate the earth. The TV host had planned to have the honour of being the first Pakistani to circumnavigate the globe solo and he made it happen. Fakhre Alam shared the news with his fans on Twitter.

The star who faced a setback during the last part of his mission as he was detained at the Russian airport for traveling with an expired visa. He managed to reach out to the Pakistani Ambassador to Russia Qazi Khalil Ullah who then provided assistance to the actor in the continuation of his mission. “Pleased to confirm that visa [has been] granted to Fakhre Alam by authorities of Russian Federation today in the morning,” Dr Faisal said in his tweet and added that Pakistan’s ambassador to Russia had “remained in touch with Fakhar-e-Alam throughout his stay” at Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Airport. Before leaving for his mission, Fakhre Alam told a local newspaper, “I have to do 26000 nautical miles and fly through all the mediums of the planet to achieve circumnavigation. We’re aiming for a 28-day schedule. The rules state I have to use the same aircraft and be in control of it at all time. I’ll be flying to 30 airports around the world.” As the singer said three years ago, Mission Parwaaz is for the people of Pakistan. The Public’s Reaction Some people congratulated Fakhr e Alam on achieving this feat

Whereas some people thought that Fakhr e Alam and Mission Parwaz did not achieve anything worthwhile

The public is divided on whether or not this mission helps Pakistan in any way. Tell us what you think!

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