Part time minister and part time showman Faisal Vawda unexpectedly called the media on Sunday morning to announce he will be standing guard outside a local PSO pump.
“I love Pakistan, and I love these price hikes,” stated Faisal Vawda while talking to the media.
He said there are elements who are against this hike and we all know this is not the common man’s agenda because “the common man couldn’t be happier with whatever price hike PTI does”. He said there are signs of PPP and PML—N, and some Western entities, though he said he wouldn’t name them right now. On the question of how can one possibly like price hikes, Faisal Vadwa said he likes everything other than corruption.
“There is no other problem than the problem of a Patwai and his corruption,” Faisal said agitatedly.
He said some call him the party “ka palto kutta” but he said that’s fine. “If that means I’m more loyal to the party than so be it. I am proud of that title. Who is more loyal then a dog afterall?” Read From Our Segment: This Is How Far A Pakistani Passport Will Get You