The Indian CM Mamata Banerjee made some hard hitting remarks against the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi of ‘doing opportunistic politics over the dead bodies’ of Indian Armed forces.
The popular CM vowed to remove the ‘blacklisted’ BJP government from power at the centre during the upcoming polls, and ensured that even signboards of Modi and Bharatiya Janata Party would cease to exist in India, the Indian Media outlet PTI reported.
“As you [Modi] have done nothing in the last five years, that is why you need to show missiles, bombs and dead bodies of jawans……We all stand by our armed forces, for our country, but we are not with the Modi regime.”
– CM Banerjee
Banerjee also accused the prime minister of trying to paint himself as the only patriot in the country. “Those who are questioning the government over the outcome of the airstrikes on Jaish training camps in Balakot are branded as ‘Pakistanis’ as if we all belong to the neighbouring country and only he is an Indian,” she said.
On Tuesday, Modi had claimed that Opposition leaders have become the “poster boys” of Pakistan, by seeking evidence of the Indian Air Force strike in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan.
She claimed that BJP leaders surf websites every day to find out what religion she belongs to. “I want to tell them my religion is humanity,” Banerjee added. “They may not have heard about it as they have blood on their hands.” On February 28, The Indian CM had demanded that the Government share details about the Indian Air Force’s strike. She accused the Centre of politicising the operation. She said that the National television channels were saying that 300-350 people were killed [in the operation] but she said no proof was shown. International media is yet to find any casualties or safe heavens effected by the Indian Airforce. Pakistan had invited local and international media to site to check the alleged bombarded location for themselves.