Canadian donations contribute to Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine

What is JNF? : The Jewish national fund is an organisation that was created by European Jews in 1901. They were tasked with purchasing land in Palestine and transforming the scenery into a European landscape. This land was to be held and used solely by Jewish settlers. The JNF carried their tasks out by establishing parks and forests over the ruins of demolished and depopulated Palestinian villages. Consequently, making it the perfect façade for concealing Israeli crime and erasing any traces of Palestinian habitation. Canadians’ idea of charitable activity and its bitter consequences: The JNF officially refers to its branch in Canada. JNF Canada solicits millions of dollars in donations a year and as a result of gaining charitable status, its activities are subsidised. The Canada park established over Palestinian land in 1973 has become the flagship project of Canadians in Israel. It is located near the separation barrier that was deemed illegal by Canada’s official policy and the International court of justice. The JNF is responsible for ‘greenwashing Israel’s theft of Palestinian land’.Other examples of JNF sponsored projects include parks beyond the Greenline in illegal annexed East Jerusalem over the ruins of villages of al-Q Abu and Ras Abu ‘Ammar. The Canadian government considers itself a close ally to Israel. As a result, Canadian citizens have become implicit in the perpetuation of the rampant violations of human rights. Palestinians from the villages have been unable to exercise their rights and return to their properties for the past 50 years because of the parks. This violates the fourth Geneva convention ,of which both countries are signatories. Even though Canadian official policy (theoretically) and the international community recognises the illegal Israeli annexation of East Jerusalem and the occupied west bank. The JNF Canada continues to deny the historical presence of Palestinian villages and fund Israeli occupation.

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