Breaking News: PM Imran Khan Has Been Rushed to PIMS Hospital

In the wee hours of the morning, Prime Minister Imran Khan was rushed to the nearest hospital via a helicopter. Rest assured, Fawad Chaurdhary – a man known to stick to his word through thick and thin – has released a statement to the media that this form of transportation was indeed the most economical way. 

The incident came about after Atif Mian was asked to resign from his seat from the advisory council. As soon as Khan broke this news to Atif, witnesses claim that the premier started complaining of a sharp pain in his back. Khan was then rushed to the hospital, where he described his symptom as ‘feeling completely bent over’ . Knowing Khan’s medical (and political) history, the doctor suspected a case of ‘ spinelessness ‘. Upon further investigation, it has indeed been confirmed that Khan is missing a spine and will go through an invasive transplant surgery in the hospital. The question remains, does such a spine even exist in Pakistan? “Khan is missing a spine” PTI workers have called on social media to find the premiers missing spine. If you have any leads feel free to call at 111-DALLA Disclaimer: No insaafiyaans were harmed in the curation of this article. Editor’s Note: This is a piece of satire.

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