What happened: On March 4, an Imambargah in Peshawar was attacked by unknown suicide bombers. The Interior Minister Sheikh Rasheed said no prior intelligence report regarding the attack. However, more than 30 people were martyred in the suicide attack and above 50 people were injured in Peshawar’s Kocha Risaldar area attack during the Friday prayer. Details: At the same time, the students of Peshawar University headed over to the Lady Reading Hospital, where the victims were brought to donate blood. IG Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, in a statement, also confirmed that it was a suicide attack and 150 ball bearings were used in the attack. Whereas, the premier Imran Khan has also summoned a report of the incident. On the other hand, the Twitter users condemned the attack and called it a “ShiaGenocide,” as a series of attacks on Shia worshiping places reported in Pakistan during the past few months.