What happened: Prophet Muhammad’s sunnah of Tahnik has been proven by scientists to prevent brain damage in newborns. The Islamic Information website quotes, “Prophet Muhamamd PBUH made Tahnik a mandatory sunnah for newborns.” Tahnik is a process of putting a piece of date or something sweet in a newborn’s mouth until it gets soft and then it is rubbed onto the upper part of the mouth.
Details: At the same time, the scientific experts credit this as an effective way to provide protection against brain damage. Subsequently, the researchers are quoted by a publication, “Low blood sugar dangerously affects one in 10 babies who are born early. It can cause permanent harm if it is not treated.”
More: On the other hand, the researchers from New Zealand claim that Tahnik should be the first-line treatment for newborns as the researchers credit it as a valuable treatment. Their research’s conclusion read, “This is a cost-effective treatment and could lessen the admissions towards high care services that are working at high capacity levels.”