Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali was the first to introduce the concept of “Self-introspection”

Did you know? That Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali in the late 11th century introduced the concepts of  self-introspection, self-analysis, cognitive and behavioural inclinations, and negative reinforcements  before the renowned psychologists coined them in mid 20th century, as suggested by Stanford Medicine(@stanfordmmhip). The Professor at Nizamiya University in Baghdad, Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali, is majorly responsible for introducing the concepts of modern-day psychology to the world in the mid 11th century. 

Picture via Wikipedia.

Also: At the same time, Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali highlighted the importance of self-examination in order to obtain positive results. He also emphasised self-examination being responsible for an individual’s happiness. Being a Sufi mystic, he believed introspection and self-analysis were two major keys to understanding mental issues. Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali introduced the idea of  “needs”   in psychology as he proposed that a human personality had urges to fulfil certain desires. The desires were based upon anger, and hunger which drove emotions as sexual urges, thirst and hunger; on the other hand, anger drove rage, revenge and frustration. 

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