What happened: On Saturday, Celestia Naseem Khan (@celestia_naseem_khan), a Christian university student posted pictures of a Christmas cake and customized festive cookies, sent by a Karachi based bakery, ‘Pie in the Sky’ (@pieintheskypk). This gesture came after another bakery-chain, ‘Delizia’ refused to write ‘Merry Christmas’ on the cake she bought from them. Back-story: On December 21, Celestia posted an incident on her social media accounts where she shared how Delizia refused to write ‘Merry Christmas’ on the cake she ordered. When Celestia asked about the reason behind this refusal, the staff person at the counter told her that the management asked them not to write ‘that.’ Her story was shared by multiple news platforms and even caught the eye of Pakistani celebrities like Sanam Saeed (@sanammody) who talked about the importance of the ‘white part in Pakistan’s flag’. RJ Anoushay Ashraf (@anousheyashraf) also pointed out, “We are treating Christians just like Muslims are treated in the West. As a Muslim, I am offended.” The kind gesture: Today, Celestia posted pictures of a Christmas cake and customized cookies which were sent by another Karachi-based bakery, ‘Pie in the Sky.’ She thanked their team for the kind gesture, ‘I have no words for all the people who have been there for me and the cherry on top @pieintheskypk sent me this cake with these cute cookies.”