What happened: According to reports, Zuhair, aged 40, committed suicide by jumping off the third floor of Lucky one mall in Karachi. Subsequently, the local police have claimed that Zuhair, due to the financial crisis at his home, committed suicide. LuckyOne Mall’s management has also issued a statement in this regard. Their statement readout, “We offer our sincere and deepest condolences to his family on their sad loss.” However, they have also claimed that the mall’s staff was not responsible for the incident.
Details: Reports suggest that Zuhair’s family has refused to pursue the case with the police. It is pertinent to know that after Zuhair jumped off the third floor, he had sustained injuries and was shifted to a healthcare centre in Karachi’s Gulshan-e-Iqbal. However, the local police have moved the body to Abbasi Shaheed Hospital for legal formalities. At the same time, Jameel Abbasi, a local SHO, has cordoned off Lucky one mall’s third floor for their investigations. Whereas, the Karachi police have also obtained the CCTV footage of the incident and have started their investigations.