9 Of The Best Desserts In Lahore

These are views of our social media audience and do not represent views of ProperGaanda itself.

After yesterday’s piece, we decided to take a different direction. For round 3, we decided to be a little more positive about are content. And we decided to stay away from savory food and go straight for dessert! And luckily for us, the PG community has a sweet tooth. Let’s dive in! We received a wide range of answers, some that we were surprised by, but here are the most common answers we got: 1. Cafe Zouk-Cheesecake

Starting off with a Lahori institution. Cafe Zouk’s cheesecake was high on everyone’s suggestions, and we’re not that surprised. Generally liked by the Lahori crowd, Cafe Zouk has been able to thrive on one of the most competitive commercial areas, M.M Alam. And their cheesecake is definitely part of the reason people go. 2. Cinnabon

Cinnabon has been in Lahore for sometime now. And while it may not be the busiest of places, it definitely has a steady stream of business to carry it through nearly a decade. Their signature dish and namesake is literally the reason for all their success, making it one of the highest suggested answers from our social media responses. 3. Paradise-Ice Cream

Our third place to be located in Gulberg, Paradise actually has a diverse menu, similar to Karachi BBQ. However, their Ice Cream is really what makes them standout. The best part of it’s ice cream is the nostalgia attached to it. Most of us can remember being dragged to liberty while our mothers shopped, and being bribed with getting this ice cream from a nearby cone wala  on the way back. While they still exist, their numbers have fallen. But Paradise has thrived. And it’s ice cream is why. 4. The Kitchen- Lotus Cookie Skillet

Remember we said how competitive Gulberg is for food? Well with our next entry also being from there, you’re understanding why we said that. One of the newer places on our list, The Kitchen has been able to make a name for itself within it’s short time. It’s Lotus Cookie Skillet brought something that Lahoris hadn’t seen before! 5. Veranda-Creme Brulee

Known for it’s buffets, Veranda hasn’t always been the best. The quality of their savory food has fluctuated over the years. But it’s desserts have always been great! While most of their desserts are pretty great(which is why we have pictures of a lot of them), it’s their creme brulee that really resonated with our audience. 6. Jay Bee’s-Ice Cream

Located in Defence, Jay Bee’s has brought the idea of Paradise, but turned it into an old-school ice cream parlor. Probably to appeal to the more burger crowd. And it worked. According to our respondents, this ice cream is perfect for when you’re craving ice cream that’s a little heavier than your Paradise ice cream. 7. Nando’s-Choc a lot Cake

Nando’s is generally a very popular franchise. Their Peri Peri sauce is known worldwide. And luckily for us, they don’t just concentrate on that. Their Choc a lot cake is one of the best cakes you’ll find in Lahore, according to our respondents. Like the name suggests, there is a lot of chocolate in it. But it isn’t overbearing. It’s perfect, especially after having a meal from Nando’s. 8. Rina’s Kitchenette-Banoffee pie

Probably one of the newer restaurants to open, Rina’s has made a huge impact in such a short period of time. If only they had more space in their restaurant. But that’s excusable, since their Banoffee pie is so great! According to our respondents, while Rina’s savoury food is good, their ready-to-go desserts are what make it so popular. But it’s their banoffee pie that got the most votes. 9. Mocca-Macarons

Like Rina’s, Mocca has been able to excel at ready-to-go desserts. Their macarons are perfect for when you want a quick and simple snack or a gift for someone. Plus, their colourful aesthetic has really help it catch on with the social media-heavy culture we live in.

Let us know what you think of our community’s choices. And if you have any problem with how the vote turned out, just start following us on Instagram @propergaanda and weigh in on our daily discussions!

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