Branded soaps and body washes do little for your skin. They are advertised to fix all your problems but in reality some can leave our skin damaged and dry. Especially because of the chemicals and artificial scents that are used. In their stead, organic handmade soaps do the trick. They hydrate your skin as well as help with any skin conditions that you have and are created with essential oils that target problem areas. Below is a list of Pakistani businesses that sell amazing handmade natural soaps to nourish your skin.
1. Their products are sulphate, paraben and cruelty free Soaprettie Pakistan (@soaprettie_pakistan), launched in March 2021, sells all natural artisanal soaps. Enriched with essential oils, salts and clays these soaps cater to all skin types. They help with issues such as oiliness, body acne, pigmentation and more. Their soaps are priced between Rs. 250 to RS. 500. Place your order here!

2. Their soaps revitalise your skin and make it softer and younger looking Zehra Bukhari Skincare (@zehrabukhariskincare) was launched in 2011 with the aim to make soaps that are gentle on your skin. Not only did they accomplish that but they also mastered the art of making beautiful bars and soaps in fascinating shapes like cupcakes. Her soaps work against oiliness, acne, clear blackheads and can be used to tone your skin for evenness. Her prices range from Rs. 699 to Rs. 999. Shop here!

3. Amal Ajmal launched her brand after suffering from a skin disease herself After she developed scabies and found no soap that helped treat it, Amal Ajmal started to create her own soaps and that led to her brand Sudz Soap Studio (@sudzsoapstudio). She makes soaps that are enriched with essential oils and the benefits of neem and aloevera. These hundred percent organic soaps help deal with rashes, irritation and dryness. Her soaps are priced at Rs. 300 and above. Check out her page here!

4. They make soaps that are both beneficial and beautiful SabOrganics (@saborganics) makes 100% natural and eco-friendly soaps. They are crafted using carefully selected essential oils and fragrances to ensure quality. Their line has honey and oat, pink clay, rose and many more soaps. They help treat skin conditions such as eczema. The bars are priced between Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000. Shop them here!

5. It was started by 18 year old Leena who was interested in soap making since the young age of 13 Full Moon (@fullmoon_soap) based in Islamabad is all about soaps that are chemical free. They want to ensure that their products work gently and are free of harsh ingredients that do more damage than good. Her soaps come in elegant and simplistic brown and black packaging. They are priced between Rs. 200 to Rs. 400. Order here!

6. Their soaps are certified by the PCSIR Nature Nest (@nature_nestofficial) have been making glycerin soaps for the past two years. They understand that because of differing skin types the general soaps sold in supermarkets do not provide perfect solutions to problems. They use essential oils such as lemon (controls excessive oil) and cinnamon (reduces pigmentation). They also sell vegetable glycerin soap bases if their customers want to make their own soap. They are priced between Rs. 270 to Rs. 400. Shop here!

7. Based in Islamabad they curate non-toxic, eco-friendly and natural products Soap-ish (@naturalsoapish) was created to provide products for people who were looking to lead a healthier and natural life free from chemical based products. They use oils such as jojoba, black seed, avocado and more. They are also extremely conscious about having no plastic waste and so their packaging is made of mostly glass and aluminium. They also have an empty container discount policy. Their prices range between Rs. 200 to Rs. 1000. Place your order here!

8. Sehar and Sumbul Bukhari make colourful organic soaps so that they are both healthy and attractive Si Zucchero (@sizucchero) makes small batches of its products and tests each batch to ensure quality. They offer handmade whipped soaps that take inspiration from nature. Their soaps include “Amore Rosa Whipped Soap” and “Charcoal Whipped Soap”. The price range is Rs. 450 to Rs. 700. Buy them here!

9. They offer their own soaps as well as soap making kits Herbal Essensuals (@herbalessensuals) have a range of soaps that work against dirt, oil, scars and more. They ensure that their soaps do not disturb the natural level of moisture that the skin needs. They not only have soaps but also sell products such as soap base and essential oils for anyone who wants to make their own soap. Their soap retails for between Rs. 270 to Rs. 400. Check them out here!

All products are selected by the editors.