Details: In a viral video on social media, the host of “Game On Hai”, Dr Nauman Niaz, has issued an unconditional apology to the national hero, Shoaib Akhtar. Nauman Niaz, in the video, said, “Shoaibi, I am extremely sorry for whatever happened on-screen.” While admitting that it shouldn’t have happened, Nauman Niaz said, “It shouldn’t have happened, because I am extremely sorry, and the 30-years of friendship shouldn’t go down.” The former pacer, replying to Nauman Niaz, said that Nauman should have said it a long time ago, but “It’s alright, now.”
Also: Nauman Niaz, during the video, said that “It’s never too late,” while hugging the national hero. The videos on social media show that the Information and Broadcasting Minister, Fawad Chaudhary was the mediator between the two. Also, senior journalist Saleem Safi is also seen among the mediators. While reacting to the news, one of the Twitter users wrote, “Yeh dousti hum nahi chouryngy.”