2017 census results are out; Pakistani population at 207.68m

The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) has posted the final results of the 6th Population and Housing Census 2017, according to which the country’s total population stands at 207.68 million, with an annual growth rate of 2.4 percent. The population includes 106.018m males, 101.344m females, and 321,744 transgender persons.

How was the census conducted : It was stated on the website that the “Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) demarcated the whole country into small compact area called Census Blocks comprising of 200-250 houses on an average, with total number of 1,68,943 blocks with well-defined boundaries and maps. Census-2017 was conducted in two phases. Each phase had duration of 30 days. Phase-I started from 15th March and ended on 14th April, 2017 in which 61 Admin Districts comprising of 79,773 blocks were enumerated. Phase-II started with a gap of 10 days from 25th April till 24th May, 2017.” The results also showed Karachi to be the most populated city of Pakistan, with a population of 16,459,000.

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