12 Vintage Ads That Make Us Crave Simpler Times

At a time when the glitzy glamour of the advertising industry is bombarding us with a constant dose of consumerism, we do tend to crave simpler times. The marketing industry today is highly competitive and the stimuli all the way from television screens to the massive billboards are all too nerve wracking. To take a break from all this, we took a walk down memory lane. Here are a few simple, to the point advertisements from much simpler times:

Yup, this looks like it could both be the ad as well as the bottle of Glaxose D. Much better than highly charged energy drink ads, to be honest! 

Okay, we guess not much has changed in terms of cooking oils and health. But we are glad there is no crazy wedding with reinforced gender stereotypes here.

Spoke too soon. Still, much better than women dancing around laundry, jubilant in their domesticated roles.

Simple enough. No celebrity endorsement confusing the hell out of consumers.

Umm, just throwing this here because that fare is a travellers dream.

Solving the holiday problem, no vexing phrases manipulating you into the need for a holiday. You need one? You got it.

No ‘Mein te Honda he laisan’ here.

Please note the dupatta. And the child who isn’t wearing anything. Nevertheless, we like the straightforward message here.

Some things fall prey to their own simplicity, however. Not sure how we feel about toothpaste and toilet soap being in the same sentence, because that sounds more like toilet cleaner than a hand soap.

Oh look, it is a family of a teapot and teacups. Simple graphics, no dancing to ‘tarang he tarang hai’ in heavily embellished lehngas or legitimizing your role as a ‘fresh bahu here.

Alright, we admit that the tagline isn’t helping smokers. Come to think of it, however, the irony of this ad is brilliant. Scissors denote cutting and smoking will surely cut through your lungs (Mind blown?) But seriously though, glad we can do without the overly masculine tropes of smoking here. Because frankly, chances are you won’t be able to climb K-2 with a smoker’s lung.

And finally! An image speaks a thousand words, eh?

Which of these ads is your favourite? Let us know in the comments, below!   

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