1000 Sham Orders Received by Pakistani Startup from Indian Hackers

ProperGaanda was recently contacted by Waqas Khan, the co-founder of Careeb, an e-commerce start-up based in Lahore that delivers groceries and premium gifts.

Careeb was targeted by Indians who placed fake orders and resulted in the loss of PKR 50,000

On the morning of 22nd February, careeb.com.pk received 1000 orders. When their team followed up on the orders, they found out that most of orders were fake. All of which originated from India. The orders themselves had abusive words and comments in the description.

1000 fake orders were placed from India

Careeb, a startup that has amassed 20,000 customers, sustained a loss of PKR 50,000 on perishable items due to the fake orders. Even though they have blocked the Indian IP, cyber bullying and victimisation has hit the company hard. 

The team has had to redirect all their resources to fixing this issue, which is a significant set back for a startup.

Waqas Khan, while speaking to ProperGaanda stated that Careeb is a private company that has been targeted by Indians in the aftermath of the Pulwama attack. It is no secret that anti Pakistan sentiment has been on the rise following the recent attack in Kashmir. Scroll to see screen shots from the orders One person placed an order by the name ‘PM Imran Khan’

Others did not even bother to drop their name

One order was placed in the name of ‘Pervej Musharraff’

The orders placed contained abusive language and fake addresses

Attached below is one of the IP addresses from which the order was placed

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